Wow, what a weekend it’s been. We had four people come to do our “Raw and Wild Weekend”. It was amazing but just didn’t go anything like we had planned. As with all our workshops we started off by making Chocolate Pudding, and, as always, everyone loved it. But then we just got further and further behind time and at about 4.30pm we sat down to “Lunch”. Which then meant we had “Dinner” very late and had to make less stuff as we weren’t as hungry.
We live in the middle of nowhere, a quiet sleepy crossroads with about 10 houses. Apart from this weekend one of the neighbours decided to have a big party. Not just a house party, he errected a giant marquee on the land at the back of his house, got in a large soundsystem, lighting, etc, and lots of techno DJ’s. Not quite what we had planned for our advertised “weekend in the beautiful countryside”! So anyway, even though I had thought earlier in the day that there would be no way that I would be going to the party, sometime after midnight, me and two of our guests went over to the party. I had a good dance but didn’t stay too long as I knew I had a pile of washing up to do before I could go to bed!
Today things also didn’t go to the original plan, but it gave me and Holly a break as the students took over and made about eight different kinds of flax crackers, all of which were delicious. One noteable recipe was a sweet version which contained dates, cinamon and cardamon.
We then went out for a walk and identifed and collected a large array of wild greens. Now running quite late we started to prepare dinner (having given up on the idea that we could fit in two large meals!) and ended the day with a large meal including raw pizza and then five deserts. Yes, that’s not a mistake, we had Holly’s golden cream pie, banana ice-cream, chocolates, fruit cake with goji berries and chocolate kefir. What a feast. Everyone left feeling very full but happy.
Hopefully I will add some photos of the day fairly soon.
Hey I am new to the raw world and I need all the support I can get. I would love that recipe for choclate pudding and sun dried pizza
The recipe for chocolate pudding is already on my blog here
As for the Pizza, well, you’ll probably have to wait until Holly publishes her book Raw Alchemy, for obvious reasons she doesn’t want to give too many recipes away before then…