This is part one of Shazzie’s superfoods videos, in this one she finds some wild greens in her garden, a great start in helping you to identify wild food: is part one of Shazzie’s superfoods videos, in this one she finds some wild greens in her garden, a great start in helping you to identify wild food:
Hiya Shazzie,
I accidently stumbled onto this link today.
All I can say is: “WOW”… This is GREAT!
I’m emailing everyone I know this link to see your video.
I have been talking about doing this for a couple of years now… not realizing I can just go into my yard and pick the so-called “weeds”.
Thank You so very much!
Many Blessings to you.
Oh BTW: to edit the comment…
I want to add that I live in Pennsylvania, USA.