Travelling in our van

Our exciting news – we moved out of our flat in London into a camper van:

Camper Van

We’re currently travelling in France, looking for an area we would like to live, where we can buy land to set up some kind of raw food retreat/holiday centre. I will try and keep this blog updated with our progress, photos and of course all the wild food we are finding.

We have found quite a few wild strawberries, but the other day Jolita spotted what looked like a massive patch but on closer inspection we realised that they weren’t strawberries:

Mock strawberry

And here’s a real wild strawberry to compare:

Real strawberry

When I next got access to the internet, I looked it up and found that it is called Mock Strawberry, False Strawberry or Indian Strawberry, Latin Potentilla indica (formerly Duchesnea indica and it is stilled listed as this in some places). It is edible, so next time we found some I tried one – it has almost no flavour and it is white inside just like real strawberries.

6 thoughts on “Travelling in our van

  1. thanks so much!! i know where to find these and had no idea what they were.
    we have a restaurant on etang de la bonde, stop by, we might have them on the menu

  2. Pingback: Living in Portugal, Forest Gardening | Raw Rob: Raw food, wild food & consciousness

  3. I found these in my yard. My son plays out in the yard so I got worried when i found this big patch in the side yard. I’m so glad they are non poisonous, thank you for posting this

  4. Pingback: For Sale: VW Camper Van, cheap but needs TLC | Raw Rob: Raw food, wild food & consciousness

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