Creamy Coconut Curry

As usual I went and picked wild greens, at the moment there is chickweed and pennywort, as spring comes there will be much more choice. Holly picked nettles and made nettle and celery juice.

We had a fairly standard salad – brocoli, tomato, cucumber, grated sweet potatoe and grated beetroot along with the wild greens and I made the following Coconut Curry sauce:

1 avocado
corn from one sweetcorn
fresh coconut meat (about 70 grams, as usual I didn’t weigh it)
small amount of spring onion
1 1/2 sundried tomatoes (soaked)
1/2 tsp corriander
1/4 tsp cumin
pinch of fenugreek
1/4 tsp maca (a superfood we use a lot, more info and purchase here)
1/2 tsp hemp leaf powder (another superfood, it does not contain THC or anything, it’s just dried, powdered leaves from industrial hemp. It’s got all sorts of good stuff in it and we’ll be selling it in the shop soon – edit: available now)
water to blend

Put all ingredients in your blender including a little of the tomato soak water and blend. Add as much water as necessary to get eveything to blend up well. We have a Vitamix blender which can cope with chunks of coconut and sundried tomatoes, if your blender can’t do this you may need to grate the coconut and chop up the tomato. We’ve got the Newgena blender in the shop which is a great high power blender. Edit: we no longer stock the Newgena but now sell the Vitamix.

It was delicious, yum, yum.

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