The most important discovery in recorded history?

Tony Wright seminar London

The book Left in the Dark is one I recommend to everyone, so I also highly recommend this talk. Tony has a new theory about “The root cause of our obvious insanity and relentless capacity for self inflicted humanitarian and ecological catastrophe was staring us in the face, we were just too deluded to see it.” It’s a theory of why we are in the current world situation, and how we can get out of it.

Tickets £10. For more information and bookings email or tel 01736 811291 or 01726 71520. Venue: The Future Gallery, 5 Great Newport Street, London, WC2H 7HY.

For more on Tony’s theory and his book see New website: (His book Left in the Dark is also on sale at the Funky Raw shop and there are also links to a radio interview with Tony on that page.) Update: Tony’s book has been republished under the new title Return to the Brain of Eden in 2014, see the linked website for details.

Life is like music (Alan Watts video)

I love this video, it sums up what is wrong with the world at the moment so well. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

“And there is a slight let down because you feel there was a hoax. And there was a hoax, a dreadful hoax. They made you miss everything. We thought of life by an analogy of a journey… and the purpose was to get to that end. But we miss the  point the whole way along. This was a musical thing and you were supposed to sing or dance while the music was being played.”

Great account of right brain experience

Some of you might have already seen this as it’s been around for a little while, but I finally watched it this morning and had to share. Jill Bolte Taylor is a neuroscientist who had a stroke on the left hemisphere of her brain, which left her to experience the right hemisphere of her brain – bliss and euphoria!


I’m really enjoying reading the Anastasia series, I’ve just finished book 3, The Space of Love, which I think has been my favourite so far, with some really good information about how regular schools are not good for children, but Holly has just posted this from book 7, The Energy of Life which is so powerful I needed to share it with you:

‘The process of drawing people into such absurdities [the way life has become controlled by business] has been a long one. That’s not something you could do quickly. If you tried to do it quickly, even the most feeble-minded individual would be able to see the stupidity of what was happening.

Just think what a paradox it all is! One fine day you decide, as usual, to go to your apple tree and pick some fruit. You no sooner step off your front porch and start heading for the tree than you catch sight of a whole queue of people.

“Who are you?” you ask the fellow standing closest to you.

“I’m an apple dealer.” he answers.

“And who are those people behind you?” you continue to wonder, and hear in reply:

“Behind me is the person who trucks the apples to my store, behind him is the one who picks them from the tree, and around each one of us you see an entourage of people in fresh clean suits – they are the ones who record the quantity of apples that pass through our hands.

“But really, what are you, chaps? Don’t tell me you’re a bunck of schizos?” you blurt out in a fluster. “What’s with all the meaningless red tape? Who’s going to thank you for all this?”

And the reply comes:

“You will thank us – you will pay all of us money, and with that money we too shall buy apples”

“And where am I going to get all that money to pay you?”

“Go see you neighbour, the one with pear trees. There’s a job open for a record clerk You can become a pear tree record cleark, earn money, pay us and eat apples whenever you like.”

How absurd – you’re thinking, no doubt…Of course it’s absurd…But this is just the kind of thing that’s going on right now with each of us in our society.’

from ‘The Energy of Life’ by Vladimir Megre

Tony Wright Radio Interview

Left in the Dark (Book)This Radio New Zealand interview is a great introduction to Tony’s work and his theories. He talks about what he thinks the problem with the human brain is, what latent abilities we could all access if we could make full use of the right brain and what we can do to help the situation. It’s a great summary of the Left in the Dark book.

Part 1 (17 min 26 sec)

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Part 2 (18 min 39 sec)

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The Encounter book review

I’ve been busy getting the next Funky Raw magazine finished, but it’s done now and at the printers so maybe a bit more time for this blog now! Here’s a sneak preview, a book I reviewed which features in the magazine.

This is a novel, but also so much more than a novel. The idea behind the book is to spread channelled information in a format where positive information is a natural part of the story. Getting alternative information into popular culture, whether this be in the form of novels, films or music is something I’ve spoken with a few friends about in the past, so I was excited when I got a phone call about this book and was offered a copy to review.

The Encounter by Hanna HorrellThe story follows Carrie, an artist who is very psychically aware. She has been hearing voices for some time and finally meets the source of the voices, an alien being called Amos who gives her the task of bringing people together to spread light into the world. The story is woven around Carrie’s ability to channel information from alien beings and the ‘living library’ and the message of co-operation and moving forward in a positive way comes through very well. The story basically tries to include as many positive ideas as possible, including things like growing your own organic food, positive music, energy healing, etc.

None of this detracts from the story, which has lots of interest and sub plots to keep the reader engaged throughout.

In some places, too much irrelevant detail is given, especially for us raw fooders, the detail about what food was being cooked including lots of meat, was quite distracting. Surely people as highly evolved as the lead characters in this story would have worked out that at least vegetarianism was the way forward!

I really enjoyed this book and as I was coming to the last few pages I was thinking ‘I hope the sequel will be out soon’!

Highly recommended, and if there are any authors out there, read this book and then write your own which also includes messages about eating healthily!

Available direct from the publisher: as well as Amazon and other bookshops. (ISBN: 978-1-904444-79-4)

Sleepless in… Penzanace

The research of Tony Wright has fascinated me since I first came across it and it has influenced my life in many ways. His basic idea is that the left half of the human brain is damaged but in control, while the right half has some amazing abilities which we are mostly unaware of because the left half of the brain doesn’t allow us. There are various techniques for accessing the right brain, notably things like meditation, but what Tony has found most powerful is sleep deprivation, which is what has led him to his next experiment, to try and stay awake for 11 days (and by doing so break the current world record). This experiment starts in 2 days on Monday May 14th and if you live near Penzance, Cornwall (England) you can go and visit Tony and see how he’s doing. See the website for more info.

The other exciting development is at last the publishing of Tony’s book Left In The Dark. I can’t recommend this book enough. Go and buy it now and don’t put it down until you have read it all the way through (ok, you can have a break to have a nice raw snack and go to the loo;-).

Reclaim Your Mind

Watch this video by Terrence McKenna, it might be the last one you need to watch. “We have to stop consuming our culture, we have to create culture. Don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines … create your own…”

[Edit: original video seems to have been removed]

David Wolfe on Superfoods

David Wolfe has put a new video on his website, it’s in four parts:
[Unfortunately these videos are no longer available.]

In the last part David talks about his top 5 herbs, which is very intersting to me because he is talking about herbs that Holly and me are getting into right now. David’s top 5 herbs are:

  1. Goji BerriesGoji Berries – he says they are ranked number one in China
  2. Hemp leaf – this is an amazing alkalising green powder
  3. Cacao – I think we all know about raw chocolte by now!
  4. Reishi mushrooms – prized medicinal mushrooms said to give long life and assist with healing
  5. He Shou Wu – I’d never heard of this until Holly introuced me to it, a very powerful root

Last week I had He Shou Wu for the first time. On Saturday (3rd) I had a very small amount and I didn’t notice any effect, so the next day I had a little bit more which again didn’t have any noticeable effect. Then on Monday I had a teaspoon full and later that day something I started feeling the effects. I wasn’t sure if it was the He Shou Wu or something else, as I had drank Ayahuasca on Sunday night and I had the Pulsin energy balls with guarana and ginseng which I don’t normally have. My heart rate seemed to increase and this lasted for several days and my sexual energy massivly increased.

I had some more He Shou Wu this morning, about half a teaspoon in my chocolate pudding (along with my daily small dose of ayahuasca, purple corn, and crystal manna). Again, nothing happened imediatly, but later I realised I was feeling unusually happy – I left the house to go to the post office in the pouring rain and I was smiling and skipping down the street! Right now my heart again feels like it’s beating faster than usual, I think that I might be particularly sensitive to this herb, or it’s having an interesting synergestic effect with the other herbs I am taking. I plan to take a smaller dose next time, to see whether I can find a dose which will give me the positive feeling without the slightly negative excess of energy.

I just found the page for He Shou Wu on PFAF – you can grow it in the UK…