What I had for dinner tonight…

I made a dressing using:

  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 1/2 sun dried tomatoes, soaked
  • a bit of kelp, soaked
  • a bit of chili
  • a small piece of lemon grass (it’s still the same one I bought, I used the last bit tonight so no more lemon grass for a while!)
  • about 1/4 tsp of corriander

Everything went into the blender, including a little of the tomato soak water and a little of the seaweed soak water. I know it’s quite similar to some of my other recipes, but it tasted particularly delicious to me.

We had it on a salad of grated carrots, sweet potato and beetroot and chopped cucumer, tomatoe and spring onion.

For desert I first ground up some sesame seeds in the coffee grinder then added them to the food processor along with

It tasted delicious. I’m still massivly impressed with cacao butter, I need to get some for our shop… [Update: Thur Sept 7th 2006 – we now have cacao butter in the shop…]

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