Funky Raw update

Funky Raw Issue 10I’ve not posted in a while so I thought I’d give you an update on what’s going on. Issue 10 of The Funky Raw Magazine came out a couple of weeks ago and I’m really pleased with it, maybe it’s the best one yet. I love the cover artwork, called “Spring” by Merav Wheelhouse. In my wild foods article I’ve created a table which compares the nutritional data of some common wild greens with cultivated greens, with interesting results.

I’ve also started releasing the magazine as an eBook for only £2.50 (about US$5), particularly for people outside of the UK so you can save on postage… I’m starting to convert the back issues to eBooks, Issues 7, 8 and 9 are available now and the rest will be soon.

And the other exciting news is that the Funky Raw Festival will be happening again, at the same organic farm in Cornwall, Wednesday 22 to Monday 27 August (bank holiday weekend). Yoga, music, dance, wild food walks and delicious raw food in the cafe.

For any of you in or near London, I will be running another Raw and Wild Food Day, where I will be teaching you how to make all my favourite raw foods (including chocolate pudding!) and taking you on a walk to identify the wild greens growing around here (now is a perfect time for greens, there are so many.)

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