Paul Nison talks about why he is no longer vegan

I found the following videos very interesting:

As you may already know, I follow a non-vegan raw diet. I regularly include a small piece of cheese made from unpasteurised goat or sheep milk in my diet and more recently I’ve started to include a very small amount of fish, this is tending to be once every couple of months. The reason I do this is that it seems to cover any nutritional deficiencies in my diet. I believe that cravings are a sign of nutritional deficiencies and when I eat a small amount of animal produce I no longer get any cravings.

No animals in the wild are vegan – even cows eat insects along with the grass they consume and our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, Bonobos, eat insects and occasionally small mammals. I actually think eating insects would be a lot more natural for us but this is difficult when living in the city but when I’m living in a situation closer to nature then I plan to try and replace the animal produce I currently eat with insects.

3 thoughts on “Paul Nison talks about why he is no longer vegan

  1. Hello,
    I totally agree with you. I am very interested in eating raw dairy
    as i read that sheep/goat milk is very easy to digest without getting mucus or anything .
    Could you please tell me where you get it from as I cant find it.
    I am interested in raw goats cheddar especially, do you know where I could buy it?
    Peace and love

    • Cheddar is usually made with cows milk and is very hard to find made with goats milk, although I think I have seen it in Earth Natural Foods (Kentish Town, London ), who also sell other unpasteurised cheeses. In general, cheese made with unpasteurised goat or sheep milk is easy to find in health food shops and specialist cheese shops.

  2. Sorry, to hear that you are no longer 100% raw! However, I am glad you are doing the right thing for you in this crisis. Did you get verification about being deficient? How are you doing, now? Thanks for being honest with the Raw Community and not overlooking symptons that could let to irreversible damage to your health. I was sadden, also, to read that Youkta had passed! I have only been raw for about 9 months and have been very inspired by the interviews in your books “Raw Knowledge and Part Ii”! Be blessed!

    One With Nature,

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