Wow, what a weekend. We had 4 people come to the experience, plus Tish came up from Cornwall (and Gavin helped out a bit in the evening).
We started the day by putting the Ayahuasca on to brew and then eating Chocolate Pudding. We did various things throughout the day including a walk to pick wild greens, meditation and lots of talking about consciousness and the workings of the brain, including lots about new ideas about why our brain is as it is right now, but I’m not really going to talk about all that right now, I’m going to get right on to the evening.
Ok, I’ll mention one more thing before getting on to the Ayahuasca – Holly made the most delicios pie, Golden Cherry Cream Pie. At about 11pm the brew was ready to drink. I drank about half of what we gave to the guests, so in theory I would be there if anyone needed help.
After drinking, we did eye connection meditation. We rotated so everyone got 2 minutes of deeply looking into each persons eyes. This seemed to bring on the experience very quickly. I could feel myself slowly begining to loose control of my body, I managed to move to go to the loo at the start as I knew that very soon I would no longer be capable!
I started off in the ‘quiet’ room but then I heard the most becautuful music coming from the other room. I didn’t think I still had the capability to move rooms, but I found that I actually did, so I found a nice space to sit and listed to the music. Playing was a CD by Nigel Shaw, which was beautiful natural music, rivers, birds, flutes. It instantly took me on a journey. The music became the music of a film playing in my head which was perfectly coreographed – the visual images in my head were completly following the music.
I also had an intense feeling of love for everyone in the room, I can’t remember if this was before, after or during the ‘film’ experience described above. It’s interesting to note that two other people who were in the same room at the time also reported the same feeling of love. The whole experience was one of complete bliss.
I think I was sat down (and fairly unable to move) for about an hour, after this I got up and was able to move about and interact with other people again, although I was still feeling the effects of the Ayahuasca.
It seems everyone who came really enjoyed it so I think there is a good chance we will do another one at some point.
Hi Rob, I have a friend who is very interested in entheogenic experiences. He only uses these helpers in a spiritual way – never for recreation. Are there any ayahuasca rituals going on in Cornwall now?
Not any that I am involved with – this post was from 2006, I’ve not lived in Devon for a long time!