I went to a potluck yesterday and I made my own version of the Super Duper Raw Chocolate Fudge recipe. First I made coconut cream from one mature coconut – blend the meat dry in the Vitamix and then squeeze through a nut milk bag. I then mixed the cream with the following:
- 4 tablespoons lucuma powder
- 4 tablespoons raw cacao powder
- 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
- lemon juice
- grated lemon peel
- a little grated ginger
- a squirt of agave
Just keep mixing until you have a thick chocolate pie filling.
I made my own base, I soaked lots of sunflower seeds and a small amount of pumpkin seeds for a few hours, rinsed and dried then and put them in the food processor with some nice fresh dates. Processed until a pie base consistency – for me it was not thick enough so I added a tablespoon of lucuma to thicken.
I also made a raspberry sauce to serve it with – I blended two punnets of raspberries from the farmers market with a handful of fresh dates and a squirt or two of agave (more dates and less agave and this could have been raspberry jam!)
And of course it was delicious and everyone wanted the recipe – so here you are!