Flax Oil

Organic Flax oil from Stone MillsI’ve talked briefly before about omega 3s and Flax Oil. The basic story is that we need omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids for many bodily functions, especially for our brain, and they are “essential” meaning that our bodies cannot synthesise them. The problem is that we need the 3s and 6s to balance and most of our diets are loaded towards the 6s. Most nuts are seeds contain a lot more 6 than 3, apart from hemp which is approximately equal and flax, which has approx 3 times more omega 3 than 6.

So, to keep the balance, flax oil is a good choice. I use flax oil in salad dressings with avocado, hemp leaf powder, chili, you know the kind of thing. The reason for this post is that I have found a new brand of flax oil from Stone Mills which seems to be the freshest and highest quality organic oil available, and it’s a bit cheaper than Veridian, the best brand available in the shops. After trying oil from Stone Mills I decided to start selling it through Funky Raw. So here it is, only £8.50 for 300ml including postage and packing – Organic Cold Pressed Flax Oil.

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