
When the postman rang the doorbell this morning, I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting a parcel. I ran downstairs and opened the door and the postman handed me a small package, just too big to go through the letter box. I saw the packaging and realised what it was… my temptress! I ran back upstairs and opened the box, and in amongst all those corn chips, there it was:


It was the new raw chocolate bar from Shazzie. I quickly unwrapped it, broke off a square and put it in my mouth. Mmm… this is good chocolate. I know many of you will love this chocolate, but for me, I’m going to have to say that it could do with being a bit sweeter. I think Shazzie is doing some more flavours so I hope at least one of them is for us sweet toothed people! But don’t take my word for it, Shazzie has given us 5 bars to give away next Issue of Funky Raw, but for those of you who can’t wait until September, you can buy it from Shazzie’s online shop.

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