How to get into a young (green) coconut

Many people say to me that they don’t know how to open coconuts. Well, I found this video which includes a part about how to open a young coconut. Note that this coconut has been “shaved”, ie it’s green outer shell has been removed, if the coconut you buy still has it’s green shell, the shop might shave it for you if you ask (depends on what kind of shop it is).

This video is from Audry’s Filling Up on Life blog which is great, lots of raw food and gardening/permaculture info.

9 thoughts on “How to get into a young (green) coconut

  1. A co-worker gave me a green coconut and some sketchy insturctions on how to open it. Your video really helped, thanks so much!

  2. Thank you for the post. My brother left me a coconut as a joke and I had no idea how to get into it.

    Started with stabbing and proceeded to try to impale it. There was a definite risk of cutting off my hand.

    Now you have shown me how to get into it and make a drink!

    Thanks again!

    • I don’t live in London any more so I don’t know, but have you tried China Town? Lisle Street and the area around there, often a few shops have them.

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